Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Prensky Challenge

Prensky's ideas are interesting to say the least. Students should make connections with what they are learning in the classroom with how they can apply these skills to the real world. Students will also take more of an interest in the learning experience if they have an interest in the topic and can see relevance to their own lives and goals. The core content standards and standardized tests are driving the curriculum, and teachers appear to be judged on test score results rather than the development of the future productive citizens who will lead our society. This pressure on performance may be interfering with life skill training and a more practical education to today's way of life. Prensky's idea can work if teacher's can implement these life skills with the standards ,perhaps with the help of cooperative learning strategies. I am all for preparing our students for life's challenges instead of test taking.
mr. S


Prof. Bachenheimer said...

I'm with you-- hands on learning beats book learning any day (in my opinion.)

CARL said...

I totally agree, Frank. I think that we are driven to adhere to standards, and test preparation, so as to judge our so-called successes. We look past preparing our students for real life.
Are the students really what are important anymore? If you look at the approach to teaching, and cramming material, and following standards, we sometimes forget that students are what is important, and they are the reason why we teach.

Tavarez said...
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Tavarez said...

Testing has really taken priority over learning. This week, I received many test practice booklets which I am not planning to use as they do not serve any real purpose in the classroom. I teach non-traditional mathematics. Occasionally, I use textbooks for homework practice if needed. My students enjoy the lessons and develop true critical thinking skills. Also, their standardized test score has been higher than other groups within the school.